OPM-5130 Upper Limb Prosthetic Practice
This course examines the principles, foundational knowledge, and practices of prosthetics as it relates to potential upper limb (UL) prosthetic management. Prosthetic designs for all levels including partial hand, wrist disarticulation (WD), transradial (TR), elbow disarticulation (ED), transhumeral (TH), shoulder disarticulation (SD), and interscapular thoracic (IST) will be reviewed, along with specialty cases such as bilateral and congenital limb differences. The course covers the following topics: patient assessment, outcome assessment, post-operative management, negative impression and measurement procedures, fit and function assessments, fabrication procedures, and component and material selection. Parts of this course will reflect on social structures that have helped shape reality as our patients experience it when we provide care. The importance of an interprofessional approach will be highlighted.