BIO-5302 Research Seminar: How to Prepare, Present and Critique Posters
This seminar begins with lectures on how to construct a poster for presentation at a scientific meeting. Both traditional and e-posters are reviewed. The lectures present the elements of good poster presentations and several pitfalls to avoid. Students then write up an abstract and draft a poster using their pilot data which they then present to the course director for constructive review. During the term, students review ten (10) posters at a national convention in the company of their mentor or faculty appointee. They will use a form which identifies several features of effective posters as a guide. Upon returning to their institutions, the student then presents the critiques to the course director as part of the course requirements. Armed with this experience and feedback from the course director, the student than modifies and presents his/her poster in seminar fashion to the class. The audience is expected to ask questions and comment on the poster as part of their class participation.