BIO-8938 Research Project 9: Defense of Dis
"Research Project 9: Defense of the Dissertation & The candidate is expected to complete and submit the dissertation and register for the Defense of the Dissertation through the Office of Graduate Programs in Biomedicine. The completed Record of Research Activity must be submitted before the viva date can be set. If no publications have as yet been submitted or accepted, the candidate must also present drafts of one publication before the viva can be set. The viva will have an examining committee which will consist of a faculty member who did not serve as a mentor to the student and an external examiner and will be conducted in a closed session. The candidate is expected to present his/her last seminar on his/her research on the day of the viva.The candidate has up to one academic year to schedule the viva which must be held within that academic year, after which the candidature of the student will be closed without award if no document has been submitted and the viva has not been successfully completed. If there are extenuating circumstances, an appeal granting appropriate extension of time may be submitted to the Office of Graduate Programs in Biomedicine at least four months before then end of that year. A response will be given to the candidate within a time frame (three months) which will allow him/her to prepare for the defense should additional time not be granted."