VSD-5003 Advanced Vestibular Diagnostics
This course will present the principles involved in advanced vestibular testing in adults with complaints of dizziness, vertigo, or imbalance. We will cover tests of angular head acceleration (rotary chair, vestibular autorotation - VAT, head impulse tests - HIT and Omniax Epley Chair evaluation of bilateral or multi-canal BPPV) and tests of head translation or standing postural control (cervical and ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials - cVEMPs & oVEMPs, and Computerized Dynamic Posturography - CDP). We will conclude with a review of the often overlooked interaction between psychological factors and dizziness, and review methods to detect when chronic subjective dizziness may be a co-factor in discerning the cause of obscure patient complaints. Clinical case examples will be provided as a tool to illustrate clinical practices and procedures commonly utilized in advanced vestibular testing. After successful completion of this course, the student should have acquired a working knowledge of advanced vestibular testing and a critical understanding of the informational yield each may provide.